• hello@magada.co.id
  • Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Below The Line Activasion

Full service Below The Line activation firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia, we will provided you from creative concept, pre production and detailed execution

Pre Production

The production of an event is very dependent on the preparation stage. This stage includes creative concept, budgeting and production design. Magada & Co has long experience to ensure this process runs smoothly.


Event production must go through a strict process and in accordance with the initial planning, the weakness in many events is the execution which turns out to be not in accordance with what was planned regarding materials, promotions and time. Together with Magada & Co we will make sure this doesn't happen

Creating an event is easy, we are trained for it even since we are small. However, creating a memorable event that can reach the wider community requires years of dedication and trained skills. Magada & Co has a team that has handled many events over the years and we will make sure your event will be a memorable one

Core Value

  • Clients. The satisfaction of our clients is the supreme aim of our activity and the basics on which we build our future. We aspire to excellence in serving clients.
  • Employees. We pay a particular attention to the employees. We invest in training and good work conditions. We encourage a respectful behavior one toward another. We do not accept manifestations of nepotism and favoritism. We appreciate and promote the employees according to their virtues and gained results. We ensure careers by adopting the principle of promoting from the interior the ambitious and successful employees.
  • Professional Ethics. We respect the law and the moral requirements in each aspect of our activity. We keep strictly the condentiality of the information.
  • Professionalism. We appreciate in our activity the innovation and the knowledge, we improve continuously the processes and we always strive for perfection.

Need any help?

We are here to help our customer any time. You can call on 24/7 To Answer Your Question.
